Monday, July 4, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I am so excited to announce that Little Chamber Handmade is currently launched! Now, my little sweet land is going to sparkling in its way =)  Actually i prefer "zakka" to "handmade" but it's ok, maybe i will change it when i m totally doing those zakka works.

Now, its time to introduce myself. My name is Vicky and i really love to make gorgeous  handy things since i was a kid. I love fabrics, flowers, laces, papers and all of the vintage sweet things. Though i studied Graphic Design, i don't think that i m a good designer. I was once hope that i could be the best designer but i was just easily irritated by listening others command and my design turns not mine. It made me so sick. We always heard those quote: do what you love, believe in what you believe. So, It's time to practice.

Can't wait to share lovely things with you all,  hope you enjoy it!


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